Talal Abu-Ghazaleh - Confucius Institute participates in the Conference of Universities in Arab Model Schools in Amman

This participation comes in cooperation with the Office of Arab and International Students at the Deanship of Student Affairs of Arab Model Schools in Amman where students studying at the secondary stage were met and provided with publications about the specializations offered by the university, research and scientific centers at the university, service facilities and infrastructure at the university.

The Deputy Director of the TAG- Confucius Institute Ms. Randa Al Yabroudi and the teachers of TAGCI gave a presentation of the services provided by the Institute, including scholarships to study Chinese Language at Shenyang University, they also gave a presentation on other universities in China in general and their level of evaluation in the worldwide.

The students expressed their interest and admiration for the high educational level of universities in China and expressed their interest in learning the Chinese language because of the importance of this language in the future.

Prof. Dr. Majed, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, stressed that these participations come within the most important social responsibilities of the university and its belief in the importance of its leading role in interacting with the local community and various state institutions.


Cultural Program

Organizing cultural activities is an effective way to expand the influence of Confucius Institutes(HSK Exam)

China Visit Program

Confucius Institute Summer/winter camp is an annual Chinese language

Chinese for Kids

TAG-Confucius Institute designed this special course for children 6 to 14 years old