TAG-Confucius 1st Winter Camp for Kids Concludes
AMMAN- The first  Winter Camp for Kids organized by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute (TAG-Confucius), the official testing center for China's HSK examinations, concluded its three weeks of interesting and informative activities with a special ceremony attended by parents and guests.
Chinese Director Ms. Yang Songfang briefed the attendees on the activities conducted at the Camp on a daily basis in addition to the different Chinese language courses.
Parents expressed their satisfaction with the ongoing progress achieved in the Camp in terms of learning Chinese language and culture expressing hopes to hold similar camps in the future.
Meanwhile, Mr. Mamoun Abu Al Sabaa`, TAG-Confucius foreign director stressed the importance of such activities in promoting Chinese language and culture saying that there will be more plans for Winter Camps in the future.

About TAG- Confucius
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute was established in September 2008 to promote the Chinese language and culture, in order to reach a better mutual understanding between the Arab and Chinese cultures. This is one-of-a-kind initiative based on the cooperation agreement between Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) and the Confucius Institute in China. The Institute was named after Confucius, the world-renowned great thinker, educator and philosopher in Chinese history. Confucius' thoughts have influenced China and other areas in the world for nearly 2000 years.

البرنامج الثقافي

تنظيم الأنشطة الثقافية هو وسيلة فعالة لتوسيع نفوذ معاهد كونفوشيوس

برنامج زيارة الصين

مخيم معهد كونفوشيوس صيف / شتاء هو اللغة الصينية السنوية والثقافة برنامج تعاني برعاية معهد كونفوشيوس

اللغة الصينية للناشئين

تأسس معهد طلال أبوغزاله كونفوشيوس في شهر أيلول من العام 2008 بهدف التعريف باللغة والثقافة الصينية