TAG-Confucius Institute was established in September 2008 to promote Chinese language and culture in Jordan based on the cooperation agreement between TAG-Organization and Confucius Institute Headquarters/Hanban in China, with Shenyang Normal University as its Chinese partner university. TAG-Confucius Institute is the first official Chinese language center and the first Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) center in Jordan. We always make sure our students have an extraordinary experience through their Chinese learning journey. The Institute was named after Confucius, the world-renowned great thinker, educator and philosopher in Chinese history. Confucius’ thoughts have influenced China and other areas in the world for nearly two thousand years.


Cultural Program

Organizing cultural activities is an effective way to expand the influence of Confucius Institutes(HSK Exam)

China Visit Program

Confucius Institute Summer/winter camp is an annual Chinese language

Chinese for Kids

TAG-Confucius Institute designed this special course for children 6 to 14 years old