Drama Critic Forum Launched, Abu-Ghazaleh Nominated Honorary President


People who advocated for the establishment of the Forum found it necessary to establish this entity in Jordan that is keen to support creativity and Arab culture



AMMAN------April 4, 2013------Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum hosted the launch of the Drama Critic Forum (DCF) under the patronage of its Honorary President HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh.1

A host of artists, intellectuals and writers celebrated the launch of the DCF which aims to support artists and critics through workshops, lectures and seminars and encourage them to participate in drama and art festivals around the world.

Veteran actress Ms. Qamar Safadi thanked Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh for his effort in supporting art and artists at all levels saying:"As we are entering the second decade of the 21st Century, there is an urgent need to revive the Jordanian drama after a long absence locally and regionally. The Forum will lend a helping hand to the Jordanian drama work and develop it."

In his keynote speech, HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh recalled his early days working at a music store which led to his strong passion for music and to sponsor several musical activities in Europe and the region.

"We have a clear vision where we want to be and what to achieve. We want to enter the age of knowledge and we want to transform traditional art into digital. We need to have a clear message for the Forum to reflect our culture and beliefs," he said.

"The aim of the Forum is more than meet and share but also to have continuity so we can have positive results," he added.

Jordan Artists Association (JAA) President Mr. Hussein Khateeb highlighted the role played by Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh in supporting culture saying:"Thank you for your effort in taking culture into another level.”  

Artists, Jordan Artists Association (JAA) and Jordanian Writers Association (JWA) members in addition to officials from the Ministry of Culture and media attended the ceremony.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mowaffaq Mahadin, head of JWA said that he is thrilled with the establishment of this forum that will revive the role played by drama and arts in general.

In addition, DCF Vice President Dr. Mohammad Rifaa’i said that people who advocated for the establishment of the Forum found it necessary to establish this entity in Jordan that is keen to support creativity and Arabic culture noting that there is an absence of this kind of critic with all its specialties in a number of Arab states.

“The Forum aims at supporting those working in the field and the research works conducted in the different dramatic arts, promoting the creative works of the Forum’s members, and exchanging information and expertise,” Rifaa’i added.

At the end of the ceremony, HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh was nominated the honorary president of the Forum and received the Forum’s Shield for his ongoing support to the Forum and the cultural and artistic activities.

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