Under the patronage of Minister of Culture

National Library Honors Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh for Supporting ‘Your Book…Your Friend’ Campaign

AMMAN --- March 31, 2013 ---- Under the patronage of HE Dr. Barakat Awajan, Minister of Culture, the Department of National Library will honor HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh and sponsors of the “Your Book…Your Friend” Campaign at 10:00 am on Monday, April 1, 2013 at the Library Headquarters.1

HE Mohammad Al Abbadi, the Department’s director general, will honor the sponsors: HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, Dr. Nidal Al Ahmad, head of Jordan Libraries and Information Association, Eng. Ghassan Al Theeb, Board Chairman of Atlas Group, Mr. Adnan Zahran, head of the Jordanian Publishers Union, Eng. Khalid Al Balbisi, executive director of Al Manhal Publishing House, Mr. Hisham Khattab, general manager of Alam Al Thaqafah Publishing House, in addition to Mr. Mahmoud Jaber, Board Chairman of Al Fiker Publishing House.

It’s worth noting that the Department of National Library has launched the “Your Book .. Your Friend” campaign on March 10, 2013 in cooperation with Jordan Libraries and Information Association and Jordanian Publishers Union. The campaign aims at encouraging reading and promoting culture as the National Library receives books from enterprises and individuals alike to distribute them in remote areas. Through the campaign, around 50.000 books and 15.000 fiction children books were distributed within one year.

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