TAG Confucius Institute Cup
Attended by the Chinese Ambassador to Jordan
TAG-Confucius Organizes First Calligraphy Competition in Chinese

AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute (TAG Confucius) organized a nation-wide 1st
Calligraphy competition in Chinese writing and dictation skills attended by Chinese Ambassador to Jordan, Mr. Pan Wei fang and the Cultural Advisor, Mr. Yang Rong Hao.

HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his appreciation for the Chinese Embassy for the continuous support they extend to the Institute’s activities and events highlighting the everlastingclose
relations between Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) and the Embassy.

The Chinese Ambassador expressed appreciation for the Institute’s achievements in teaching the Chinese language and advocacy for China - Jordan cultural exchange indicating that organizing such Competition serves as a driver to learn Chinese language.

The Competition witnessed the participation of 41 competitors from TAG-Confucius, University of Jordan, Philadelphia University, Islamic Educational College and Mashrek International School.

The Competition was included four sections comprising dictation and writing skills for children, dictation and writing skills for adults, writing skills using pen and writing skills using the fountain pen.
Five finalists earned top position in the four-part competition, three from TAG-Confucius Institute:

Wajdi al-Henawi, Mohammad al-Jalkh and Mohammad al-Sayed; the other two were: Osama Hasouneh from Islamic

Educational College and Shahd Omar from the University of Jordan.

Four competitors won the second position; two from TAG-Confucius: Reema Khashashneh and Yazid al-Bdour with Heba al-Batsh from the University of Jordan and Nour Awamleh from the Islamic Educational College.

Winners of the first and second positions were presented with awards while the rest of the competitors received honorary certificates.

Cultural Program

Organizing cultural activities is an effective way to expand the influence of Confucius Institutes(HSK Exam)

China Visit Program

Confucius Institute Summer/winter camp is an annual Chinese language

Chinese for Kids

TAG-Confucius Institute designed this special course for children 6 to 14 years old