Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute Organizes Chinese Folkloric Shows and Musical Performances
AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute organized a Chinese folkloric shows which were performed by the Beijing Foreign Studies University Band at the Modern English School theatre, and at the Baptist School.
The organization of these two shows is part of the Institute's efforts to deliver its message to promote the Chinese language and culture and to achieve a better mutual understanding between the Arab and Chinese cultures.
Mr. Carlo Murphy, Principal of the Modern English School expressed his gratitude for the efforts and cooperation with TAG Confucius Institute, and hoped for future cooperation with the institute. 
Meanwhile, Mr. Burhan Mazahreh, Principal of the Baptist School also conveyed his appreciation for the efforts and cooperation with the Institute, underlining the fact that he had the opportunity to be member of the educational delegation that visited China in the month of August during an official visit organized by the Institute.
Ms. Randa Yabroudi, the training officer at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute said that the Institute and its initiatives and activities are based on the existing cooperation agreement between Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization and the Confucius Institute in China.
She also explained that the Institute aims to promote the Chinese lifestyle and culture, and mentioned that around fifty-six different ethnicities live in China; given the fact that China is a multi-ethnic country, and accordingly the Chinese culture is rich with a variety of folkloric dances including as an example: the Tibetan, the Mongolian, the Korean, and the Yigor dances as well as other types of dancing.
She added that the traditional Chinese musical instruments have a long history and a unique playing method, which varies in terms of accompanying dancing and performance styles, such as the  traditional Guzheng instrument (Chinese harp), Pipa and Erhu, the Chinese flute and others.
The Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) is one of the oldest major universities in China, which teaches a large number of languages and offers different educational programs; lecturers /professors at the university in Beijing teach more than seventy foreign languages and give educational programs of different levels, the university graduates are qualified professionals with high language proficiency.

البرنامج الثقافي

تنظيم الأنشطة الثقافية هو وسيلة فعالة لتوسيع نفوذ معاهد كونفوشيوس

برنامج زيارة الصين

مخيم معهد كونفوشيوس صيف / شتاء هو اللغة الصينية السنوية والثقافة برنامج تعاني برعاية معهد كونفوشيوس

اللغة الصينية للناشئين

تأسس معهد طلال أبوغزاله كونفوشيوس في شهر أيلول من العام 2008 بهدف التعريف باللغة والثقافة الصينية